NICC Digital Archive

Browse Items (989 total)

In the foreground two unknown students work on homework. in the background an instructor is helping a student with their work on a computer.

An unknown student and instructor work on homework together at a desk.

An unknown student and instructor work on homework together at a desk in the learning center.

An unknown student and instructor work on homework together at a desk in the learning center.

An unknown student and instructor look over an essay together.

An unknown student and instructor look over a student's essay.

In the foreground an unknown student works on what seems to be a math problem and in the background an unknown student(?) works on the computer.

An unknown student and instructor work on homework together in the foreground with an unknown student(?) working on a computer in the background

An unknown student and instructor working on a computer together.

An unknown student and instructor working on a computer together.

A blue, notebook sized, paper bound book with a black image on the cover. inside contains black and white photos of students.

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An image of two red cars on a flatbed trailer. both cars have NICC logos on them.

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a photo of the NICC truck, which was used to pull a trailer holding other NICC cars in parades, sits to the side during a rainy day.

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A closer picture of the older red car. the car has a sign on the side saying who rebuilt it as a promotion. Included in the picture is an unknown child in a green shirt.

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A white four door SUV with a red NICC sticker is pictured. It is pulling a trailer which carries an old red car that has NICC information on it.

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